Rest assured, the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIONS CLUBS, a.k.a. Lions Clubs International (LCI), or simply Lions International, has a stellar reputation for providing global humanitarian aid to those in need—wherever, whenever. It has been said many times, ‘Where there is a need, there is a Lion’, and with over 1.4 million Lions among 46,000+ clubs in 210 countries and geographical areas, the achievements are fulfilled and compliment the motto well : WE SERVE.
Lionism, however, is a study of contrasts. On the flip-side, our history leaves much to be desired, especially the founding and the early years that followed. Conflicts center on two individuals, Dr. William P. Woods, a medical surgeon, and Melvin Jones, an insurance executive, both of whom claim founding rights of the Lions Association. While the Oak Brook, Illinois headquarters dutifully recognizes Melvin Jones as the “official” founder, the following pages will prove beyond any doubt that Dr. Woods was the legitimate founder and that Mr. Jones was the “guiding force” for his many years of dedicated service in advancing the cause of Lionism. Nevertheless, he was NOT the founder.

Most of the history one reads on the various official web sites of the Internet that concerns the founding and those early years is sadly misdirected, and much of it fabricated and manufactured. With the many sources of research available today that were lacking many years ago, it is unfortunate that the founding issue has not been resolved long before now. Or is it possible that the factual history has been known for some time, but conveniently ignored and withheld? I will make my case here and you, dear reader, can decide for yourself.
THE FORGOTTEN FOUNDER relates to the plight of Dr. Woods, forgotten because he has been unceremoniously ignored by the very organization he created. With first-hand information not found on the Internet, perhaps…just perhaps…a long time wrong will ultimately be made right. Dr. Woods deserves better.
PP Lion Bruce W. Eastley
Senator Lions Club
Sacramento, California USA
Hello Mr. Eastly, as the official Municipal Historian, I have been researching the history of the Lions Clubs for an article in our local newspaper because we have a Lions Club in my town, Middlebury, Connecticut. I am not a Lion, but admire its history of service. My research is primarily in newspapers (, etc.), but I find your assertions to be thoroughly accurate and very helpful. I am amazed that official web pages of the Lions Club carry what appear to be historically innacurate depictions of the founding of the organization, and distortions of timelines and events. Thank you for your careful research and persistence in bringing the truth to light.
Thank you, Dr. Rafford…
Getting the truth about the founding of LCI out to the public is the easy part. Getting them to read it is the problem. Acceptance of Melvin Jones being the founder is universal, but showing evidence to prove otherwise is a major challenge. Most simply do not care about the founding.
Thanks again for your interest and persistence in getting to the truth of the matter.
E’ veramente penoso che una Associazione così importante come il L.C.I.
continui a mantenere il silenzio , avallando così questa vecchia versione ufficiale che ignora William Perry Woods e affida tutto il merito a Melvin Jones .
Tutto questo crea sconcerto tra i Soci Lions e getta un velo di grande incertezza
sulla sua credibilità .
English translation via Chatgpt:
It is truly distressing that such an important Association like L.C.I. continues to maintain silence, thus endorsing this outdated official version that ignores William Perry Woods and attributes all the credit to Melvin Jones. All of this creates bewilderment among the Lions members and casts a cloud of significant uncertainty over its credibility.
Bruce has spent many hours compiling the history and is to be commended for his dedication. I have appreciated our friendship for several years.
Bruce’s tireless and passionate work and commitment to demonstrating and affirming the historical truth about the foundation, and beyond, of “The International Association of Lions Clubs” finds full fulfillment on this website so well done, that all the Lions of the world should visit. For my part, I found in Bruce the sincere and generous friend, the true Lion, the man who fights for his ideals, without fear or hesitation, with his face open.
If the Lions approach without prejudice to what he tries to convey, they will come out with a clear vision of the origins of the Association that will allow him to live a more transparent and safe present and future, because a man, a society, without strong roots is invisible, non-existent.
From Reggio Calabria – Italy
Bruce is an outstanding Lion whom I have know as a friend for several years.
The reader and especially Lions members should be aware that Lion
Paolo Mobrici is the author of ‘Two Faces of the Lion’, the all-time best account of the History of Lionism. His meticulous researches have uncovered valuable information never revealed in other material and sets the record straight on the TRUE founding of LCI. Although the founding took place in America, it has taken this remarkable Lion from Italy to properly inform what every Lion world-wide should know : that Dr. William Perry Woods was the legitimate founder of LCI.
Dear Bruce,
I have read a few books on the formation and history on Lions and have to admit that you bring some compelling information and evidence to the table. You have obviously researched this subject quite well as witnessed by the documentation you have provided throughout the book. I think that was the first time I learned about the Royal Order of Lions in 1911. The progression into the organization as we know it today certainly differs from anything I have read or been taught. Also the Lions International City was a first for me and while reading about it, it seemed to be a “far fetched” idea.
I especially appreciated the articles, letters and documents in the back of the book. They made for some fascinating reading and certainly support the fact that Dr. Woods was indeed the founder.
I thank you for sharing your book, your time and efforts put in to support the facts and wish you and yours good health in these troubling times.
Yours in Lionism,
Doug Schlemb
I agree with PP Lion Bruce W. Eastley of the Senator Lions Club conclusions, but disagree with accusations that LCI has been withholding the truth of who was the real founder LCI. Melvin Jones was the diving force behind Lions Clubs success. He was a Founding Member of the first Club, who made it his ambition to make Lions Clubs succeed, even beyond his imagination.
It is inconceivable for me to believe any of Lion Eastly’s revelations will move LCI or other Lions Worldwide to change their minds about Melvin Jones and his role as the “founder” of LCI.
Organizing a group, such a Lions Club, is wonderful, but to take it to National and then International distinction, as Jones did, shows imagination beyond a start up organization conceived by Dr. Woods .
Disparaging Melvin Jones will accomplish nothing good for LCI or Lions. I suggest you leave it for the good of the organization.
Dr. Howard Levenson, PP
San Rafael Host Lions Club
Celebrating it’s 100th Charter Anniversary in 2022
Agree to disagree. (1) Melvin Jones was neither the founder of Lions nor a member of the first club. And, (2) no one wants to discredit Melvin Jones’s work. All Bruce Eastley is trying to do is give credit where credit is due and perhaps, along the way, provide some insight. Please re-read the references on the website and if necessary, google “The Fellowship of William Perry Woods” for further understanding. In sum, William Perry Woods was the founder of the International Association of Lions Clubs that had it’s first meeting (organized by Dr. Woods) in Dallas in 1917. Dr. Woods was elected President (which he had already been for a year) and was kind enough to endorse Melvin Jones to be Secretary since the club’s original secretary, Carmi Hicks, was no longer available due to Military Service in WWI. In sum, Dr. Woods effectively planted the first trees and took the steps necessary to established an organization for their growth and management. Jones subsequently, and to his credit, grew the forest.
How about we Keep spreading the Truth about the true Founder of the “INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIONS CLUBS” Dr. William Perry Woods.
Lion Virgil F. Clark
Carmi Lions Club, Carmi, IL
Past President 2011-2013
Former Wabash Region Zone 1 Chair 2012-2016
Past Club Director 2015-2017
Former District 1-CN USA/CANNADA Forum Liaison 2019-2020
The amount of detail and the manner in which it is laid out and presented is singularly outstanding. Great Job!
Great insight and investigative work, PP Bruce. Now, the difficult task is how to convince the rest of the world of your findings. Time will tell.
My comments apply to the Analysis and Critique section as well as the Conclusion section (I wish there were opportunities to leave replies on those sections directly). I think the evidence that has been painstakingly uncovered by you reasonably supports and substantiates the conclusions that you have reached. So where does Lions Clubs International go from here?
Your feedback is very much appreciated. I feel certain that LCI will continue
to ignore me, for it is difficult to get feedback from any Lions source. Why ?
Fear of being an outcast ? I wish I knew. I will continue to press forward.
PP Lion Bruce you are to be commended for your tireless dedication against the forces of so many with sight, but no vision to accept the historical truth! Thank you for your steadfast dedication to inform.