The space here is simply not adequate to address the reams of historical information that Lion Henry Simms was responsible for assembling on behalf of the organization. Suffice to say, Simms covered all the bases as a member of the San Antonio Founder Club for 55 years and as its president in 1965-66.
The S.A. Club history formed the basis for his book, ‘You Wrote the Script!’, and Lion Simms was ultimately named to the ‘Founder Club Roll of Honor’, and in 2012 was named ‘President Emeritus’. In 2013 he was inducted into the ‘Herb C. Petry, Jr. District 2-A2 Hall of Fame.’
One of Lion Simms’ greatest challenges was to gather evidence from many sources to deal with the conflicting arguments pertaining to Melvin Jones and Dr. William Perry Woods of Evansville, Indiana over the beginning of Lionism. The consensus was strongly in favor of Melvin Jones, but Simms ultimately came to the conclusion that, while Jones had to be recognized for his many years of service as its Secretary General, the evidence was overwhelming that Dr. Woods was actually the true founder in 1916.